Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure (OPII) was approved by the European Commission on 28 October 2014. OPII is a programming document of the Slovak Republic is a programming document produced by the Slovak Republic to draw aid for 2014-2020 in the transport and ICT sector (improvement of access, usage and quality). OPII (latest version):
Previous version:
Valid from | Name | File type | Valid until | |
28.10.2014 | Operačný program Integrovaná infraštruktúra 2014 - 2020 | [2,29 MB] | 14.11.2016 | |
28.10.2014 | Príloha 1 - Záverečná správa z ex ante hodnotenia OPII | [677 kB] | 14.11.2016 | |
28.10.2014 | Príloha 2 - Zoznam skratiek | [109 kB] | 14.11.2016 | |
28.10.2014 | Príloha 3 - Koordinácia medzi OPII a EVS | [890 kB] | 14.11.2016 | |
28.10.2014 | Príloha 4 - Koordinácia medzi OPII a PRV | [377 kB] | 14.11.2016 | |
28.10.2014 | Príloha 5 - Zlepšenie časovej dostupnosti | [658 kB] | 14.11.2016 | |
28.10.2014 | Príloha 6 - Popis stavu a zámery v oblasti infraštruktúry pre verejnú osobnú dopravu |
[236 kB] | 14.11.2016 | |
28.10.2014 | Príloha 7 - Mapy | [1,44 MB] | 14.11.2016 | |
28.10.2014 | Príloha 8 - Všeobecné ex ante kondicionality | [960 kB] | 14.11.2016 | |
28.10.2014 | Kompletný materiál | [7,15 MB] | 14.11.2016 |
Managing Authority | Photo gallery | Main areas | References |
Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic Námestie slobody č. 6 P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava Phone: 02 5949 4111 |
The Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure is co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds | © 2017 MTC SR |
Managing Authority: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic Bratislava |