Although the public passenger transport contributes only to one quarter of total passenger transport in Slovakia, it is essential for mitigating the impact of traffic congestion and the adverse environmental impact of private automobile transport. Implementation of changes in the organisation, financing and operation of public passenger transport, as well as coherent transport infrastructure is missing in its expansion. Increasing the attractiveness of public passenger transport by modernising and reconstructing public transport infrastructure, including assuring ecological and low-floor rolling stock is the goal described in the Strategy For The Development of Public Transport MDVRR SR. Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure ensures the fulfillment of the national strategy for integrated transport systems involving railways and urban rail transit - including trams and trolley buses. Slovakia has managed since 2007 to initiate changes from implementation of projects under the Operational Programme Transport leading to increased attractiveness of public passenger transport in two major cities (Bratislava and Kosice). EU Funds were used to build and modernise tram lines, purchase new public transporatation vehicles and construct a modern integrated transport terminal in Kosice. Urban rail transit is covered by Priority Axis 3 of the OPII. The budget of € 379,235,295 (EU funds + state budget) has been allocated for projects in the cities of Bratislava, Košice, Prešov, Žilina and Banská Bystrica. To support other types of public transport, including bus transport, there are other funds allocated from different EU funds (e.g. Integrated Regional Operational Programme). |
Managing Authority | Photo gallery | Main areas | References |
Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic Námestie slobody č. 6 P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava Phone: 02 5949 4111 |
The Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure is co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds | © 2017 MTC SR |
Managing Authority: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic Bratislava |